Friday, 25 May 2012


1. Summary
The Islamic University in Uganda, IUIU has established itself as an educational beacon for people from across the African continent, with its graduates reaching high academic levels and serving at prominent positions around the globe.Founded by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), the University was established to serve the English-Speaking Sub Saharan Africa. But since then its mission has expanded as the institution has continued to welcome students from across the continent and beyond. The Islamic University in Uganda aspires to function as a highly academic and cultural institution based on Islam and love of the country. It aims at promoting and enhancing the civilisation and scientific influence of Islam and the physical world to produce well-cultured, morally-upright graduates of sound character, equipped with useful skills and knowledge, who are able to participate positively in the development process of their countries. The University aims at achieving these goals through the pursuit of teaching, learning, research, scholarship, good governance and service to humanity.
2. Academic Strengths
The passion for learning under a multicultural environment which emphasises the observance of Islamic morals and principles are the basis for the University’s success recipe. IUIU is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Association of African Universities, Inter-University Council for East Africa, Federation of Universities of the Islamic World and other local, regional and International organisations. The University has a Quality Assurance System that monitors the quality of its activities and services.
3. Key facts
 The University’s academic programmes have risen from 2 in 1988 to 69 (2012/2013 academic year); these range from Certificates to Diplomas, Bachelors, Masters and PhDs.  IUIU has close to 7,000 students of whom over 2,600 (40%) are females and 4,000 (60%) are males. The students come from 20 different countries. The University has one main campus in Mbale and 3 other campuses within Uganda.

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Kyambogo University

 "knowledge and skills for service"


Kyambogo University is a relatively new University created with the main aim of promoting and advancing knowledge and development of skills in Science, Technology and Education and such other fields having regards for quality, equity, progress and transformation of society.

Kyambogo University (KYU) is Uganda’s third public university established by the Universities and Other Tertiary Institutions Act 2001 and the Universities and Other Tertiary institutions’ (Establishment of Kyambogo University) instruments of 2003. It is a merger of the former Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo (UPK), the Institute of Teacher Education, Kyambogo (ITEK), and the Uganda National Institute of Special Education (UNISE).

Path of Growth
Although Kyambogo is a new university, it has a rich history that dates as far back as 1928. UPK started in 1928 as a small technical school on the Makerere Hill and was transferred to Kyambogo Hill in 1958 as Kampala Technical Institute. It was renamed Uganda Technical College and finally UPK. ITEK started as a Government Teacher Training College in 1948 in Nyakasura, Fort Portal and transferred to Ruharo and then Ntare Hill all in Mbarara, western Uganda. It transformed into a National Teachers’ College and later ITEK as per the statue of parliament in 1989. UNISE on the other hand started as a Department of Special Education at ITEK in 1988, and later became an autonomous institution by act of parliament in 1998.For more information on Kyamboga University click here: Academics

Makerere University Business School

"We Enable your Future"


Establishment of the School:
Makerere University Business School (MUBS) was established by Makerere University (Establishment of Constituent College) order 1997 as a constituent college of Makerere University (MUK). The School was created from a merger between the faculty of commerce (FOC) and the national college of business studies (NCBS).  The merger involved the physical movement of the faculty of commerce from the Makerere Campus to Nakawa where the NCBS was located.  The actual merger and movement took place in January 1998.

In the year 2000, the law was amended to give financial and administrative autonomy by the Makerere University (Establishment of constituent college) (Amendment) order (MUECCA (A) 2001.  As a result of this amendment, the school structure changed tremendously. The law created a council with authority similar to that of Makerere University Council.
The year 2001, the structure of the school again changed with the enactment of the University and other tertiary institutions Act, which made the school transform from a constituent college of Makerere to a public tertiary institution affiliated to Makerere University.

Mandate of the School:
The statutory order establishing the School mandated it to organize and develop business and commercial training in the country at the different level. “The objectives and functions for which the school is established are to strengthen the institute providing commercial and business education in order to provide high quality standards in the commercial sector through an increased intake of students and output of qualified personnel from the various degree, diploma and certificate programmes in commercial and business education”
(4) The School shall conduct courses leading to the award of degree, diplomas and certificates by makerere University under standards provided by the act and statutes and regulations made under the act or as may be agreed upon by the school and Makerere University and shall in connection with the awards, jointly conduct examinations leading to the awards, with Makarere University.
(5) In addition to the functions of Public Tertiary institutions under section 76, Makerere University Business School may-
(a)        Provide instructions to those admitted to the school and make provision for advancement, transmission and preservation of knowledge relating to commerce or business.
(i)         Undergraduate, postgraduate, higher diploma and ordinary diploma courses;
(ii)        Professional courses, including but not limited to Chartered Accountants, Chartered Secretaries, Bankers, Insurance personnel, managers and other professional;
(iii)       Short term professional courses.
(b)        Create and offer opportunities to persons interested in courses offered through distance education methodologies from relevant commercial or business training institutions outside Uganda;
(c)        Conduct examinations for the ward of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other awards of the University.
(d)        Conduct other examinations and award certificates, diplomas and where necessary revoke awards.
(e)        Co-ordinate and supervise all Ugandan government funded colleges of commerce with an objective of developing curricula and achieving high standards of business education.
(f)        Act as examining body for such colleges and privately funded colleges which may seek affiliation to the school for such diplomas and certificates
(g)        Conduct or facilitate conducting of research on any issue relating to commercial or business sector.
(h)        Facilitate staff development through the provision of upgrading courses and shorttern continuing education.
(i)         Establish Linkages and joint programmes with other institutions offering similar courses within and outside Uganda.
(j)         Carry on any other thing relating to the enhancement of standards in the commercial and business sector as the minister may direct.

The Merging Institutions
a) Faculty of commerce, Makerere University.
The Faculty of commerce was the leading institution in the provision of business and management education in the country and had grown in student’s registration from about 200 in 1991 to over 3000 students in 1997, a period of about 8 years. About 350 were government and the rest private. Of these 1500 were distance education students. The faculty was offering BCOM, BBA and MBA degrees and also organized short tern management training for business and government departments. It had a budget of internally generated finds of approximately Shs. 2 billion in the year 1998/99. The staffing levels were approximately 100 including full time and part time academic and administrative staff. the faculty was occupying the precast red brick building at the makerere University campus. It had no responsibility over the student’s welfare activities. These were handled by a separate department of the University.  The Dean of students, like all other students in the University.
(b)        The National College of Business Studies.
The National college of Business Studies was located at Nakawa and was a tertiary institution offering business and management diplomas and was also organizing professional training. It had a population of about 1200 government students and over 2000 private students at the time of the merger. The campus compound lay on approximately 45 acres with a variety of buildings including office and teaching space, staff residences and students hostels. The staffing, both administrative and academic was about 500 including staff who had been retrenched.  These included 90 fulltime academic staff and about 50 part time staff. The rest were administrative staff. the retrenched staff were paid after the merger and left though some were retained to maintain services like kitchen, toilets and other facilities.  The college offered different diplomas, the flagship of which were the Uganda Diploma in Business Studies (UDBS) and higher diploma in Marketing (HDM).  The College administration handled both academic and administrative matters, including students’ welfare.
(C)        The Merger Process
The Process started in January 1998 and was a very difficult one and indeed a learning experience.  The objective of creating the School was stated then challenged the University to create a centre of excellence in Business and management education. However, the two institutions, which were merged, had different organizational cultures, practices and goals. The challenge then was to merge the two cultures and create a new direction. A direction to which all stake holders would subscribe so as to realize the vision of the people who conceived the business school. This involved integration of activities, values and systems to create a Unified institution. It required building a new mission and activities that would realize that mission.
Wherever there are changing conditions, there is always fear of unknown. In this case, the merging parties were uncomfortable with the change and with the unknown. There was suspicion and anxiety among the different parties. The first year of the merger was particularly difficult. There were problems tha emerged from within the school and other from Makerere.

mubs 1997

MUBS Main Main building, the then Administration block for NCBS. Adjacent was the conference hall. 
for more information on Makerere University Business School click here: Admissions

Mountains of the Moon

 "Heights for progress"
Mountains of the Moon University (MMU) is a not-for-profit Community University whose ownership is expressed through the various representative communities which include the Districts, Municipalities, Religious communities and the Business Communities of the Rwenzori Region.  No person or external organization profits from the University and any surpluses generated by university activities will be reinvested within the university or re-directed for the benefit of the community.
The university is unique in Uganda as it was conceived and founded by leaders in the local community in western Uganda. The legal status is a Company Limited by Guarantee, the directors of which are the university founders, under the Chairmanship of Hon. Justice S. T. Manyindo. The Articles of Association of the Company define the University as a not for profit institution [Article 5 ‘no portion of (profits, income and property) shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, distribution in specie or otherwise howsoever nor by way of profit to its members or Directors and any such distribution is expressly prohibited’].
As a community university the Directors hold the university [Article 2 ‘in trust for the community’].  The community stakeholders are represented on the University Council which is responsible for the general governance, supervision, and control of University affairs. The University Council has representatives of members of the public; representatives of all stakeholder districts in the community nominated by the respective district councils; representatives of the business community and representatives of faith-based denominations.For more information on Mountains of the Moon University click here:About us

Kampala University

 "We struggle for excellence"
Kampala University is headed by the founding Vice Chancellor, a prominent and honorable character in the Country and at international level over and above being the longest serving Vice Chancellor in East and Central Africa.
Kampala University is a student-driven establishment in which students as stakeholders are engaged in routine activities of the institution. At Kampala University, we have a community outreach and service programme which we follow and think will benefit the entire country in promoting and achieving the Millennium Development Goals come 2015.

Kampala University is a fountain of knowledge, which produces holistic and all round graduates who become vanguards of change in the community. This philosophy is founded on a society, which needs graduates who are competitive in the job market, academically, morally and socially. It is the University’s belief, firm hope and desire that Uganda as a nation, the East and Central Africa Region, and indeed the whole world become transformed into a developed common society economically, culturally and  academically which should act as a vehicle of development in all areas and at all levels. 

“We Struggle for Excellence”
"We are here to stay"
Battle Cry:
Viva Kampala University

The mission of Kampala University is to “Strive for Excellence in providing a Holistic and Cosmopolitan Education that produces and empowers Leaders with initiative, and entrepreneurial abilities in Global business in positions of responsible leadership for both public and private sectors.
To become a leading institution of higher learning of first choice in academic Excellence and research where others will follow.For more information on Kampala University click here: Academic Registry

Kabale Univeristy

  "Knowledge is the future"


Inaugurated in 2001, Kabale University is a private institution, licensed by the National Council for Higher Education (NCHE) (Licence No. U1.PL.003). The first forty-two students were admitted in 2002. Currently, the student population has risen to over two thousand (2000) persons.

Kabale University is unique in its origin. It is a secular community-founded and people-centred institution, which was established by a group of promoters in collaboration with the District Local Governments of Kabale , Kanungu, Kisoro and Rukungiri (consisting of the earlier administrative area known as Kigezi) who continue to support the institution.

The founders of the University took into account not only the potentials mentioned in the previous section but also the historical underdevelopment of Kigezi region, which was isolated for exploitation as a labour reserve and underserved in terms of tertiary institutions during the colonial period. Despite this shortage in tertiary institutions, the people of the region demonstrated exceptional zeal for education by studying elsewhere from the time formal education was introduced in Uganda. The founders therefore capitalised on this early investment in the human resource to found the university in order to provide the education, which to date remains the most treasured possession that can be bequeathed to one's offspring in this area.For more information on Kabale University click here:

About Busoga University

"Seek with faith"
Busoga University is a private (non-profit making) institution founded by the Church of Uganda under the Busoga Diocese. It is located 35km along Jinja-Iganga/Mbale Tororo highway and is situated in the Iganga Christian Missionary Society (CMS) Educational Village. The university has study centres in Jinja, Kamuli, Bugiri, Kaliro, Pallisa, as well as a Resource Center in Iganga town.
The University offers both Sciences and Arts programmes for the award of Post Graduate, Bachelors Degrees, Diplomas and certificates of Busoga University.
The idea to start a university was first mooted in 1983 by Busoga regional professionals and concerned citizens. The purpose of establishing a University in Busoga was to address the concerns of the region over the increasing number of students in Secondary Schools, and the limitations of entry points into the State University, Makerere.
The Founders wanted their children to study and graduate from Busoga, thereby reducing the costs involved with education from institutions of higher learning located outside the region.
The Founders argued that having a University in Busoga would increase the chances of their children to acquire higher education, especially in the practical subjects like Agriculture, Science and Technology that are vital in the regions’ development process.
In 1987, a resolution to establish Busoga University was adopted by the then Board of Governors at Busoga College Mwiri, in collaboration with Busoga Diocese, which is under the Church of Uganda.
To effect this, in September 1994, a task force under the chairmanship of Eng. Nathan Ba. K. Muyobo was appointed with the task of mapping out the programme for the establishment of the university. It was originally to be located at Busoga College Mwiri hill; but it was changed to Bishop Hannington Training centre for Lay Readers in Iganga district, following the Ministry of Education and Sports’ reluctance to endorse the idea of having a University alongside the school. The Ministry thought that with time, the University would swallow up Busoga College Mwiri.
In February 1995, the task force submitted its report to Busoga Diocesan Council; and on May 6th 1995, the first University Board of Directors was inaugurated under the chairmanship of Professor Asavia Wandira. It was charged with the responsibility of establishing the university by October of the same year. In June 1995, the university received a certificate of incorporation, thereby giving it a legal status.
However, it didn’t take off until July 1998, when it received the operating license from the Ministry of Education and Sports. In December of the same year, the late Prof. Joseph Mutekanga Igaga Ngobi was appointed the first Vice Chancellor; and Eng. Nathan Ba. K. Muyobo, the first University Secretary/ Registrar.
On February 12, 1999, it commenced operations with 19 pioneer students for a Bachelor of Education and a Bachelor of Business Management Programmes. The university held its maiden graduation ceremony on May 10, 2002, where a total of 62 students were awarded Diplomas and Degrees.
Since then, the university has made steady progress with increasing student enrolment and academic programmes. The University now boasts of a total population of over 2500 students (2007). For more information on Busoga University click here: Admission Overview